
The Digital History Seminar has been running since 2012 and focuses on the discussion of historical research that has been made possible by the use of electronic tools and resources. The seminar is hosted by the Institute of Historical Research and is offered in association with IHR Digital.

The conveners are: Alexandra Ortolja-Baird (Sheffield), Alice Kinghorn (Worcester), Jack Newman (Antwerp), James Baker (Southampton), Sarah Middle (Science Museum/Open University), and Tessa Hauswedell (UCL).

Convener alumni: Seth Denbo (American Historical Association), Adam Crymble (UCL), Matthew Phillpott, Jane Winters (University of London), Peter Webster, Beth Hartland, Charlotte Tupman (Exeter), Tim Hitchcock (Sussex), Melodee Wood (Loughborough), Mia Ridge (British Library), Justin Colson (IHR), Matthew Shaw (The Queen’s College, Oxford), and Richard Deswarte (UEA).

Since 2024 the IHR Digital History seminar has been supported by the Programming Historian: a publisher of open-access, multi-lingual, and peer-reviewed tutorials that help historian learn digital tools, techniques, and workflows.