Tuesday, 7th December 2021 – Dr Nina Janz, Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History – WARLUX: Mapping war experiences of Luxembourgish recruits during WWII
This seminar is 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm GMT, live on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPsyP-Y4jeY
Session Chair: James Baker
Abstract: Project WARLUX – Soldiers and their Communities in WWII
The Impact and Legacy of War Experiences in Luxembourg” researches the personal side of the history of Luxembourgish youth born between 1920 and 1927 who were enrolled into German services under the Nazi occupation of Luxembourg during World War II.
The research focuses on personal testimonies and their individual war experience to uncover these men, women, and families’ individual experiences. Using a relational database to represent their war experiences, we face several challenges, such as a data structure that is too rigid and strict to “map” the fluid and unpredictable life patterns of our study subjects.
We developed a data model where we treat different life stations (military unit, POW camp etc.) as equal data levels like our recruits (as persons). Each “life station” or event we treat as a “person” and create a separate “biography” to include all relevant data. Afterwards, we link the life stations or events with the actual person in the database.
The aim of my talk will be the “translation” of lives, with its twists and turns into a static data set such as a relational database to map the individual war experiences of our study object.